Monday, October 28, 2013


Concordle can provide me to find the sentences which include the key word such as 'MATERIALS'.

''ENHANCED'' is a stronger collate of ''MATERIALS'' in the text.

Concordle can be useful in 'Data-Driven-Learning' aproaches. Let me clearify it with an example, students by using concordle can easily find the sentences that used some important words, they can also make connections between collations and highlighted words. In addition to this, they can figure out the main issues of the text, which can also be seen in 'WORDLE' but CONCORDLE is more detailed than WORDLE.


Wordle can be practical for the learner because it summarizes the whole text and bring key words to the reader so it helps to get a brief idea about the text.

Task 1

Using data-driven learning can be good for the student's understanding. Let me explain this a bit. In data-driven learning, the students are given a data and they are asked to force them "THINK". In a way that, they are responsible for their own learning unlike spoon-feeding. All these reasons make "DDL" a student based learning. In recent researches shows us that students based learning prompt to understand deeply so we can say that in the matter of students' understanding, DDL can be invaluable. Of course there should be problems because human begins are dynamic. In other word, one can feel comfortable with DDL but the other one cannot happy with it because of differences among them. If we talk about the differences,we have to consider their personality, intelligence, cultural background, socioeconomic status. As I mentioned before, students can have different intelligence so let them decide whether group work is best for them or individual work. DDL and Computer must go together because, there are lots of sources around the students, they cannot go to a library to search something. It would be more practical to search on the internet their data.