Saturday, November 2, 2013

Education that I Experienced Based on 4 Approaches.

     I would like to begin with the behaviorist theory. This is the most common theory that used by teachers in Turkey so my teacher was used that so much. To examplify; she always gave the grammar explicitly. She wrote the rules of the grammar and asked us to write it down. After doing this she gave us tests about that day's subject then we answered the questions on the test. If there was any question that we confused, we would ask her. So this is the most obvious for the behaviorist approach. However, the same person made her lesson differently for the first time which was constructivist approach. Here is the examplification: She played a song which was belong to Madonna and gave us lyrics of the song that some parts of them were blank. After we listened the song, we were going to write the missing part by listening the song. That was so enjoyable that still is in mind, even the name of the singer. I would reccomend my former teacher to use technology more effectively so that there might be an eclectic approach that make her lesson much more recognizable...

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